
My name is Pranav and I am currently the sole author of this blog, with a little help from an AI.

I’m a coffee addict. I’ve been drinking coffee for years, but brewing my own espresso was not something I every thought I would do on my own until a couple years or so ago. A few years ago, when I started working at a (fantastic) company that retails equipment and roasts coffee, My (then new) employer gifted me with an espresso set-up. That was the beginning of a brand new hobby for me. Brewing the espresso myself really took me back to the days of high school chemistry lab; as both generally a nerd and a foodie, it was only natural that espresso brewing would become my favourite thing to do. Learning how to pull shots is an addictive experience; the first sip of your perfectly brewed cup is always rewarding!

Nearly a decade ago, I used to blog about several other topics. While I have wanted to start a new blog for a long time now, possibly with age and because of it, It is nearly impossible to find the time to do so.

I recently discovered something called GPT-3; a text generation AI developed by OpenAI which is entirely amazing.

With coffee always on my mind lately, and armed with this new discovery, I decided to employ this AI in conjunction with my passion for this beverage and my desire to get back into blogging. Once you get a hang of it, it is incredible how well the AI can translate your own thoughts into almost publishable words.

My quest is not only for a great cup of joe, but also to try and document several aspects of this caffeinated beverage that has such an intrinsic tie with our society today. Feel free to subscribe! I can be reached via email on pranav [at] pranav [dot] email and appreciate feedback, suggestions and ideas from fellow espresso aficionados.

As a policy you will find no advertising or affiliate links, etc on this website. If you come across any product review or recommendation, know that it is 100% my own opinion and I am not being paid to blog here; either directly or through advertising.